Thursday, February 7, 2008


Before you get too excited, I haven't heard all that much. But I do have information about the Midterm Format:
  • Multiple Choice
  • Short Answer [brief paragraph]
  • Long Answer [lengthy paragraph]
I do not know the exact proportion of these sections, but there will be no essays. The test will be open note and open book.

I have been told that the slides will be available online by Tuesday. I realize this doesn't leave a lot of time for studying them, but since the test is open notes, I suggest studying your notes and readings for now, and identifying areas where you will want to consult the lecture slides.

Please also keep in mind that in addition to knowing the lecture information, I will expect you to make reference to our readings, the guest speakers, The End of Suburbia, and The Corporation where appropriate. I will be more specific as to these expectations on Wednesday, when I hope to have seen the exam. In general, the best exams will make the fullest use of our course resources.

Take care, and I wish you all the best studying,

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