Saturday, July 26, 2008

Maquiladora Solidarity Network

Just in case anyone has become especially interested in the maquila situation in Tijuana, I thought I'd share some resources about it. There is a group called the San Diego Maquiladora Workers’ Solidarity Network that does work with trying to bridge the struggles of factory workers in Tijuana with people in San Diego. They do a tour, its called a Human Rights Tour, I think, about once a month. I've been on it, and while I have my criticisms of it, I think it can be a really good thing to experience and the folks doing it are good connections to have if you plan on doing any work concerning the maquilas. The website is and you can sign up for the tour there. Also, for another class I read pieces of a text called Beautiful Flowers of the Maquiladora: Life Histories of Women Workers in Tijuana. Its a very good look at the issue, from a very human perspective.
All of this is so near to us, I think it's important to know about.

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